Thursday, August 28, 2008

Welcome to Briggs Middle School

I am beginning my first Practicum experience, at Briggs Middle School. It is a feeder school for Thurston High, in Springfield, although it's located very centrally in Springfield. So far this seems like a fantastic place to work. The superintendent, Nancy Golden, seems really innovative and forward thinking. The other teachers love her, she received a standing ovation upon entering the stage, as well as one after her (hour and a half long) speech. She really seems all about the kids, and is as negative about new standardized testing requirements as any self-respecting teacher. She also seems to really support the arts as part of education.

My principal also seems pretty awesome, Brooke Wagner. She is also all about trying new stuff, and getting new ideas. In fact, Briggs is spearheading an experimental bell schedule (all on their lonesome) that allows each teacher 90 minutes of prep time every day. Half of it is spent working with their teams, which are divided up by grade level and focus, to make sure that everyone is working together and on the same page about students, curriculum and school wide events. The other half is personal prep time in the classroom.

I still don't know for sure who my cooperating teacher will be, although everyone seems to think I'll be with Brandon Parks. Nothing has been made specific yet, so we student teachers (there are four of us at Briggs) are able to observe a wide variety of people, and start on our School Improvement Project.

Laura Scruggs, who is one of my favorite people I've met (she complimented my purple hair), has a project for three of us to work on for our SIPs. It is developing a foldable time line with dates from every unit that the 7th grade World History class will cover. And then, if we finish that, creating examples of foldable projects for each individual unit, to use as examples and grading keys.

As you can see, there is a lot going on for me, right now, I just have Briggs to worry about. By the end of the month, I'll add classes: Behavior Management, Methods of teaching Social Studies, and Methods of Teaching Math.


Anonymous said...

People should read this.

Unknown said...

Thank you!